Return instructions

Thank you for registering to return NightWatch.

Please follow these instructions carefully, failure to do will result in partial processing of your return, in which case a fee may be incurred.

  • You are required to return NightWatch within 3 working days of completing the return form.

  • You must return NightWatch in the form in which it was provided. If any parts of the NightWatch system are missing, you may be charged for these parts. This does not apply to the elastic strap and the fixing clips.

  • You must ensure that the arm module is switched off.

  • You must package NightWatch in a sturdy box with sufficient filler material to ensure that the NightWatch case does not move.

  • Please specify the name of the person for whom NightWatch was ordered with your return shipment.

  • If you ordered any supplementary products, these must be returned with NightWatch in fully working order.

Please send the return shipment to the address below via registered to sign for mail:

LivAssured BV
FAO: NightWatch Returns
Schipholweg 103
The Netherlands

​We thank you for trying NightWatch