Seizure detection for nocturnal epilepsy

NightWatch warns caregivers remotely in the event of possible epileptic seizures during sleep. NightWatch was invented and developed by a consortium of Dutch neurologists, patient organisations, universities and hi-tech industries and recommended by patients.

NightWatch consists of a comfortable wireless arm module that closely tracks heart rate and motion to detect seizures while the wearer is lying in bed.

When NightWatch detects a potentially dangerous seizure, a warning is transmitted via a wireless signal from the arm module to the corresponding base station to warn a caregiver.

Precise and versatile

NightWatch can detect various types of seizures with a high level of precision, including:

  • Tonic-clonic seizures
  • Tonic seizures

  • Hyperkinetic seizures

  • Clustered myoclonic seizures

Clinically proven effective

The SEIN and Kempenhaeghe epilepsy centres successfully tested NightWatch over thousands of nights and found it to be significantly better than the alternative methods available.

NightWatch detects up to 100% of the most dangerous seizures.


An audio and visual alert in the event of a possible epileptic seizure
The alarms can be forwarded to nurse call systems
Comfortable seamless elastic strap
Ready-to-use, no configuration required


The NightWatch Portal

NightWatch can optionally be connected to the internet to obtain a readout of the wearer’s data in an online portal. This provides insight into how the night went and helps you better understand why NightWatch gave notifications, if any. It eliminates any uncertainty about what happened during the night. Read the manual to find out how to connect NightWatch to the online portal.


Try for 30 days

Order NightWatch now and test it for 30 days.

High-quality medical device

NightWatch has been rigorously tested and found safe following Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices so that the device meets the highest quality standards. Such a product significantly improves patient care and safety and is generally preferred by healthcare professionals.

NightWatch is a CE-marked Class I medical device for detecting potentially dangerous epileptic seizures during sleep. Users should carefully read the instructions before using the device for the first time.

For whom?

NightWatch is intended for patients, parents, couples and healthcare professionals who are seeking an effective way of being alerted to potentially dangerous nocturnal epileptic seizures on time.

Parents and caregivers

NightWatch reduces the burden of parents or caregivers by sending a wireless alert in case of a possible severe nocturnal epileptic seizure. This enables parties to provide quick and adequate aid, reducing the risk of medical complications.

NightWatch is very easy to install and use at home.

Read more about children with epilepsy.

Healthcare professionals

NightWatch detects the majority of potentially dangerous epileptic seizures at an early stage. It improves the quality of care and reduces the burden on healthcare professionals who are responsible for clients with severe nocturnal epileptic seizures. Connecting NightWatch to existing medical call systems can be easily integrated into healthcare processes.

Read more about patients with epilepsy.


NightWatch can help the partner of an epilepsy patient get better sleep by emitting a warning signal when a possibly dangerous seizure is taking place. Thereby, the partner can quickly take action, if necessary, which may enable both of them to sleep more peacefully.

Read more about couples and epilepsy.


NightWatch can be connected to various medical call systems.

Medical call systems

The base station is equipped to connect to all medical care systems as standard, so that possible potentially dangerous seizures can be reported to nursing providers, such as the night-time care team, immediately.

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